Invisible braces

Step by step to the perfect smile with the transparent and removable alternative to classic fixed braces.

Flexible solution with invisible braces

The transparent, removable alternative to conventional braces offers you flexibility. At the Cambridge Clinic, we support you step by step on the way to a perfect smile with the Spark Aligner. Based on a detailed treatment plan, the aligners are made specifically for your teeth. The treatment comprises several sets of plastic splints, each of which is worn for about two weeks until the desired tooth position is achieved. Thanks to the latest computer technology, you can see the virtual result of your teeth even before treatment begins.

Optimal for everyday life

As the invisible braces are made of transparent plastic, they are almost invisible and offer optimum wearing comfort without metal wires and brackets. The braces are easy to clean and can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing or special occasions. For quick results, however, they should be worn almost constantly.

Advantages at a glance

Hoher Tragekomfort

Ohne die Verwendung von Brackets und Bögen bieten Unsichtbare Zahnspangen einen hervorragenden Tragekomfort.

Fast unsichtbar

Unsichtbare Zahnspangen sind aus transparentem Kunststoff gefertigt, was eine fast unsichtbare kieferorthopädische Behandlung ermöglicht.

Flexibel herausnehmbar

Im Gegensatz zu festen Zahnspangen können Unsichtbare Zahnspangen zum Essen, Trinken, Zähneputzen und zu besonderen Anlässen einfach herausgenommen werden.

Make an appointment

There are two simple options for making an appointment: you can either contact us by phone or send us a message via our online platform.
We look forward to helping you have a pleasant and successful appointment!